Our Missions Retreat takes place in a diverse,
multicultural environment that creates
opportunities for individuals to encounter God,
grow their relationship with Him, and put
their faith in action by serving others.
Our Missions Retreat takes place in a diverse, multicultural environment that creates opportunities for individuals to encounter God, grow their relationship with Him, and put their faith in action by serving others.

This Missions Retreat will challenge and encourage you
to embrace practices designed to place God
at the center of your entire life. This experience will
help you flourish as it will create new opportunities
to reorient yourself in God’s mission on earth
– both at home & away.
This Missions Retreat will challenge and encourage you to embrace practices designed to place God at the center of your entire life. This experience will help you flourish as it will create new opportunities to reorient yourself in God’s mission on earth
– both at home & away.
Step outside the normal life rhythms
and learn new practices to engage
in a lifelong pursuit of Jesus and His Kingdom.
This experience is designed to equip individuals who are hungry
to step beyond their normal everyday lives and step into a deeper
and greater relationship with the Lord.
If you are ready and willing to do the good and challenging work
of stewarding your everyday life and yielding to the Lord’s voice
and His presence in everything you do,
then this opportunity is for you.
Step outside the
normal life rhythms and learn
new practices to engage in
a lifelong pursuit of Jesus
and His Kingdom.
This experience is designed to equip individuals who are hungry to step beyond their normal everyday lives and step into a deeper and greater relationship with the Lord.
If you are ready and willing to do the good and challenging work of stewarding your everyday life and yielding to the Lord’s voice and His presence in everything you do, then this opportunity is for you.

It’s simple really.
We want to be with Jesus.
Life begins the moment we truly encounter Him.
As you encounter the Kingdom of God,
new revelations of who God is and who you are called
to be will be made known.
It’s simple really.
We want to be with Jesus.
Life begins the moment
we truly encounter Him.
As you encounter the Kingdom of God,
new revelations of who God is and who you
are called to be will be made known.
After every encounter with Him,
We want to become more like Jesus.
The journey of transformation is a life-long pursuit.
You will be challenged to create new rhythms while
practicing praying for and speaking life into and over others.
After every encounter with Him,
We want to become more like Jesus.
The journey of transformation
is a life-long pursuit.
You will be challenged to create
new rhythms while practicing praying for
and speaking life into and over others.
To put our faith in action,
We want to do what Jesus did.
His Kingdom come, His will be done.
You will participate in Poetice’s ongoing efforts
to see the city of Choma transformed.
To put our faith in action,
We want to do what Jesus did.
His Kingdom come, His will be done.
You will participate in
Poetice’s ongoing efforts to
see the city of Choma transformed.

These seven (7) days
are deeply life-altering because
Intentionally pursue God through contemplative prayer, individual worship, and corporate worship gatherings.
Learn from gifted teachers and leaders who will deepen your understanding of who God is
and better equip you to walk in power, discern the voice of the Lord, and abide in His presence daily.
Love Choma through service projects, hands-on ministry, and relational outreaches.
Intentionally pursue God through
contemplative prayer, individual worship,
and corporate worship gatherings.
Learn from gifted teachers and leaders
who will deepen your understanding
of who God is and better equip you
to walk in power, discern the voice
of the Lord, and abide in His presence daily.
Love Choma through service projects,
hands-on ministry, and relational outreaches.
By applying for this Missions Retreat,
you are saying YES to the process
of stewarding your own soul,
engaging the heart of Jesus,
and stepping out in faith
all while being surrounded
by a family of Jesus followers
who are actively pursuing Jesus
and His Kingdom on earth
as it is in heaven.
– Powerful times of worship + encounter in the presence of the Lord
– Compelling teaching sessions from Poetice Leadership, Staff, and guest speakers
– Disruption of your normal rhythms to focus/refocus your life on God
– Intimate moments of connection with God through intentional times of prayer
– Experience the Kingdom of God in new ways through cross-cultural eyes
– Step out of your comfort zone
– Receive words of life spoken over you + to speak life over others
– Deep fellowship and connection with others
– Enjoy excellently prepared meals and amazing coffee from the Poetice Coffeehouse
– Participate with the Holy Spirit to love Choma and the surrounding communities
By applying for this Missions Retreat, you are saying YES to the process of stewarding your own soul, engaging the heart of Jesus, and stepping out in faith all while being surrounded by a family of Jesus followers who are actively pursuing Jesus and His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
– Powerful times of
worship + encounter in the presence of the Lord
– Compelling teaching sessions from
Poetice Leadership, Staff, and guest speakers
– Disruption of your normal rhythms
to focus/refocus your life on God
– Intimate moments of connection with God
through intentional times of prayer
– Experience the Kingdom of God
in new ways through cross-cultural eyes
– Step out of your comfort zone
– Receive words of life spoken
over you + to speak life over others
– Deep fellowship and connection with others
– Enjoy excellently prepared meals
and amazing coffee from the Poetice Coffeehouse
– Participate with the Holy Spirit
to love Choma and the surrounding communities
How will I know if I’ve been accepted?
Every applicant will be informed via email regarding acceptance status either from Poetice or your group leader. Space is limited, and acceptance will be assigned upon application order.
Upon acceptance, all payment deadlines must be met. If payment deadlines are not met, the applicant will forfeit their opportunity to participate.
You have two payment deadlines. Due dates MUST BE met as indicated below. NO EXCEPTIONS! We must follow these deadlines to purchase airfare and ensure that necessary expenses are covered before arrival.
February 15, 2024
Submit Payment 1
(for estimated airfare of $2,400)
March 15, 2024
Submit Payment 2
(remaining balance)