Our extensive training builds on the foundational truths of our 6-week Intensive Training & starts converting ideology into praxis.
Engaging in the Poetice community daily, you will take part in our hands-on ministry work while acquiring new tools & practices that are applicable anywhere.
Our 20-week Extensive Training is designed to prepare individuals for the realities of global missions. We provide the necessary exposure and experience to train participants to further develop in his or her specific and unique gift set and calling as part of an international, multicultural team. By being exposed to the Poetice community and ministry on a daily basis, the Extensive also allows individuals to explore whether Poetice is a place God is calling them to serve in a long-term capacity.
Not only do we witness this through the following four focal areas, but we also see our influence and kingdom impact in the city of Choma increase as the Spirit of God flows through Extensive Participants throughout the Extensive Training.
Our 20-week Extensive Training is designed to prepare individuals for the realities of global missions. We provide the necessary exposure and experience to train participants to further develop in his or her specific and unique gift set and calling as part of an international, multicultural team. By being exposed to the Poetice community and ministry on a daily basis, the Extensive also allows individuals to explore whether Poetice is a place God is calling them to serve in a long-term capacity.
Not only do we witness this through the following four focal areas, but we also see our influence and kingdom impact in the city of Choma increase as the Spirit of God flows through Extensive Participants throughout the Extensive Training.

Each participant rotates between our focal ministries; learning, assisting & leading various aspects.
Each participant is mentored by our team to be trained in ministry & spurred on in spiritual growth & maturity.
Various discussions, sessions + lectures are conducted to continue developing leadership skills that are vital in global missions.
Participants are trained in various relevant skills that are helpful to ongoing ministry. These are determined based on the individual & may range from story capture, reporting, computer skills, ministry tools, facilitation tactics, etc.

“Before I started this Extensive Training, I didn’t know how I could just talk to people about the love of Jesus. But now because I have had so much experience it’s now become easy for me. It shouldn’t be a challenge to witness to others and share the love of Jesus. Poetice has given me that platform of developing that area.
I’ve just seen God move. When we go for ministry, you don’t struggle to encourage a person. You just flow. The programs we have in place like worship/prayer sets, personal development, and lesson planning have produced so much growth in me. I’ve also had the opportunity to serve with adults, youth, and kids ministry. I have found that wherever I am placed, God grows me in those areas. My love for God has increased and my love to serve Him has increased.
I’ve grown so much in the Word, I am not the same. In my own personal time, I am not the same. In my relationships with others, I am not the same. I have come to love the spirit of family that is around Poetice. Everyone is family and I love that. It had caused me to build more relationships and get to know people better.
Anyone who hears about this training should run and go do it, you will never be the same again.”

“Someone who has walked through this journey with me from back home described this entire time for me as “specifically purposeful”. There has not been a day during the Extensive that hasn’t brought challenges, but the Lord is slowly showing me unexpected reasons of why those challenges are happening and with that, so much fruit is coming from the unexpected. What usually has me stressed out has been gently taken by the Lord- He’s got those burdens now. The Extensive has truly taught me to walk in faith- really pressing into the verse in Hebrews: “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.”
Everything that has happened here, I know, has been specifically purposeful for my life going forward and that brings me a lot of peace. Now, it’s time to continue to walk by faith, bringing everything I cannot see to the Lord and walking in His power.”

“Earlier this year I asked the Lord “what do you want me to do?” and he told me ministry. I didn’t know specifically what that meant and what it would look like in my life. I’ve been learning so much about myself and what it can look like for me to really be in ministry. The Extensive has allowed me to taste all things involved in ministry. I’ve had so many opportunities to do things outside of my comfort zone. I’ve had so many opportunities to grow in my translating abilities and I have discovered that translating is such an opportunity for ministry.”

“Poetice is a birthing place, it’s like an incubator. This is a place where an egg does not continue to hold the value of an egg, but it develops into a chick which brings it more purpose.
Through this Extensive Training, I’ve been able to put the things that I’ve read in the Bible and the things that I know about God into practice. If you’ve heard about Jesus Christ being a healer, how can you demonstrate and bring that to life now? I’ve learned I am a person who carries authority through the might hand of Jesus. I’ve had the ability to put these things into practice, which has been so exciting.”

“Throughout the Extensive Training, I’ve got to be involved in a ton of hands-on ministry. In this journey, I’ve learned about all the different aspects of ministry and I’ve even had the opportunity to see how other ministries outside of Poetice do things. Over the last few months, I’ve been awakened to the gift I have of teaching. Whether it’s kids or youth, I’ve realized my ability of teaching & evangelizing to people of all ages.
Before I came to Poetice, I never really knew how to communicate with God. The people at Poetice have really shown me how I can rely on God and not depend on my own strength.”

“During this Extensive Training, I’ve got to learn a little bit more about who God is and how great He is. I think sometimes when we read scripture we focus more on ourselves than on God. For example in John 3:30. I’ve heard a ton of sermons focusing on how much less we are to become and it really emphasizes that. But I think the true glory and greatness of that verse is actually how great God is. During this training I’ve been able to see that God can heal, God can make demons come out of people, how God can work in my life and those around me. Consequently, I don’t think I’ve had to focus so much on making myself less, but instead focus on making God greater and giving him all the glory and praise. A result of that is me becoming less.
Something I’ve learned about Poetice is that everything is soaked in prayer, from the biggest decision to the smallest detail – everything is soaked in prayer. This team seeks to hear from God and cares what he has to say about them.”

“The Extensive Training has been so worth it. I have learned and grown in so many things. I’ve had a lot of exposure to doing things that I really, really enjoy, I’ve wanted to grab hold of everything. With the way that I am feeling now, I want to keep growing in the things that I am growing in and never stop. I have grown to love teaching when at first I despised it. There would be times that I would prepare for lessons and then at the last minute, I would decide to change it because the Lord spoke to me and pulled me into a new direction.
Each Extensive student had different focuses and interests within ministry things. It reminded me of how the Bible said we are one body, each with different parts. At times I found myself comparing what I was doing with the other students around me. But the Lord reminded me of what part I am and how each person uniquely plays a role in the body of Christ.
Through worship leading, I’ve learned to directly minister to the Lord instead of just leading a song. Simply ministering to God and then leading others into his presence as well.”