We are in pursuit of becoming a vibrant, authentic family of Jesus followers, banded together in unity around the goal of transforming our city through the revelation of Jesus & the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our primary hope is to help people encounter the radical love of God,
be restored into His family, walk in their true identity, and pursue justice in their communities.
Our primary hope is to see people encounter the radical love of God, be restored into His family, walk in their true identity, & pursue justice in their communities.
We gather in smaller ‘house churches’, that we call ‘Poetice Houses’.
Within our Houses, we grow in our relationships with Jesus and share our entire lives with each other.
Through relationships, we witness each other discover what we are called to do and become,
and we actively partner together to see our city transformed.
We gather in smaller ‘house churches’, that we call ‘Poetice Houses’. Within our Houses, we grow in our relationships with Jesus and share our entire lives with each other. Through relationships, we witness each other discover what we are called to do & become, & we actively partner together to see our city transformed.
We believe the Lord has called us, as the Church,
to rebuild and restore the city of Choma, Zambia.
We believe the Lord
has called us,
as the Church,
to rebuild & restore
the city of Choma.