We are continuing to monitor international travel restrictions & border requirements due to global COVID-19 developments. This information is subject to change.
LAST UPDATED ON 09/28/2022
**Please note that all regulations & procedures continue to change and we will be updated accordingly.
Zambia requires a negative (PCR) COVID-19 Test (NO RAPID ANTIGEN TESTS) within 72 hours before departure from the country of origin. A Rapid PCR (RT-PCR) test is acceptable. We recommend that you get the test as close to departure as possible. You will be required to show your printed test results at various points throughout your travels to Zambia & several copies might be needed (departing airports, arrival, etc)
Fully vaccinated individuals do not require any form of negative COVID test results. Hard copy or digital documentation, showing proof of vaccination will be required. A cell phone photo of documentation is NOT accepted.
All travelers will be “screened” upon arrival (taking temperature, filling out COVID-19 forms, presenting your negative test, answering questions, etc) before going through immigration/customs. Your airline may require you to fill out paperwork prior to check-in. We recommend that you fill out any paperwork in advance if possible.
Current regulations in Zambia DO NOT require you to wear a mask. Should the Covid-19 recommendations change while you are with us we will keep you updated.
Please note that we are doing our best to monitor the health of our staff & the COVID-19 situation at large in Choma to maintain a Covid-19 free environment.
A covid test is no longer required for anyone, regardless of vaccination status, for departure.
If you were to contract COVID-19 while in Zambia, Poetice will help organize flight changes (if needed) & everything regarding quarantine at our base, as well as, arrange medical treatment at the top facilities in the country if necessary. Any costs throughout an extended quarantine time will be at the expense of the individual but may be reimbursed with IVC travel insurance.
Individuals must be FULLY vaccinated: Meaning one dose of the Johnson vaccine or two doses of all other WHO-
recognized vaccines
The following applies to the use of vaccine card/certificate/QRcode:
Proof of vaccine may be shown as
- actual card/certificate
- photo-copy of card/certificate
- digital certificate/QR code on the phone